Thursday, December 8, 2011

I am Alive


Thanks to all you who bought my comic and poster online! you guys are great. Their still few left, but thats besides the point.

I come with news, turns out i cant't full time "bum around" so im working as an interactive designer for the company Burst Media. It pays the bills. Mad bills.

I want to you(myself)to know i haven't forgot my work though, my real work. In fact i have two comics working, one in a gestate stage which i hope will emerge as some cohesive idea and another, a bit more simple.

These past 2 weeks (and i guess the week before that as well) have been mostly for stress and moving around before a job so i dont have any comics to show. You may (probably not) have seen my comic "animal shapes" at comicazi-con, in (summervile?) last weekend.

so that takes care of old news.

I promise more work incomming. Hopefully more shows, im not actively looking at the moment, but i hear good things on the horizon.

1 comment:

  1. I want to buy said comic, but I will give you the money directly, so as not to have Paypal take any of your money.
